I arrived in Köln on a summer day in 2016. I knew I was moving here but had never visited before. I walked the city in wonder and a bit overwhelmed that this new place was going to be home and that this day, was day one. I had travelled Spain and when I walked through a special little square called Ostermann Platz and saw a sign for Tapas, I welcomed something relatively familiar. The shade of a tree, a light breeze and the sound of a fountain lured me in even more. This special place is in the heart of the old town but separated from the noise and activity of Altermarkt and Heumarkt.
I walked inside and asked if they had a table for one, “For sure!” was the response. I was seated and asked for a glass of Tempranillo wine. I told the woman that I was moving to Köln, that this was my first day, and that it was my birthday. She hit the table and said, “Shit!” She then came back with two glasses of Prosecco, sat down with me and told me that no one should be alone on their birthday. I told her my story in the five minutes that she had and we have been friends ever since. Her name is Ina and my life is richer because of her.
Since then we have shared special events, every day meals, winding down from stressful moments and shown off our city to our visiting friends at the Rosendorn with Ina. It is also our favorite place to spend Karnival and to fortify ourselves for the Christmas markets. This summer Andrea the manager invited us to join them for her birthday in her garden on the other side of the river. Watching and being included with friends of a new and wonderful culture was so pleasing and life affirming. Children playing, great food cooking, dancing and singing filled our collective soul. All this from a simple dinner on my first day in Köln on my birthday, I am humbled.
Lintgasse 10-12
+49 221 2575269